Jul 28, 2012

I love to eat, hate being fat.

What's up world! I feel awesomely free when i typed that out. Like those 5 second moment kinda thing.
Let me tell you, #storyofmylife. I have been busy working and also indulging in good food.

Before 99% of my life was occupied with work, i swear i do not see any excess fats near my hips area but now..... WADAFAK! it's quite disturbing to actually see myself in the mirror, seriously. And, "hips don't lie". And i seriously think that's the rational Shakira sang that song. Hmm...

Currently, i have that problem where you love food so much but then again, you would not want to gain extra weight because of it. I always tell myself or rather, get answers from people that i should exercise so that i won't face this problem.

But to be honest, i don't have the freakin time to exercise.

Even if i do, i'd be too lazy and you all know laziness owns.

And if you're addicted to good food, WOW! nothing can stop me, not even anyone or anything. You get my point right?

Anyway, know why i keep spacing out my sentences? If not, it would look so wordy and it might look boring. Anyway, i don't know if blogging really is readable in a sense that people enjoy watching vlogs more than reading blogs.

Vlogs over blogs? Hmm..

Sad truth ? You decide.

Twitter : @holiecow

1 comment:

thumbelina said...

Same here.

Work over exercise. Then celebrate the end of work day with good fatty food. Either that or I just eat very late into the night.