May 30, 2008


2 days in a row. Soccer,Soccer & still soccer. :D Oh wait,that's 3. Okay lame. haha.
There's soccer tomorrow also so, im all geared up for it. Seriously nowdays, i love playing soccer lah. Hmm, i dont know why also :D hehe.
For today,soccer wasnt that fun cause it was raining and raining. :(
But its fun playing in the rain,hopefully i wont fall sick =x Im sure tomorrow will be a great day for soccer. YEAH!


Enough for soccer, there will be a performance at the president's place on sunday (: I call it the president's place because i dont know what's the name called. HAHA. Im sure its going to be great. 12 bucks per ticket,anyone interested? haha. Tell me and i'll get it for you but its not going to be my treat or anything OKAY! It starts at 3 and ends at 10pm.

Sorry guys,wont post much today cause i want to go study. Exams are getting nearer and im not sure im prepared or not lo! Kns. Okay enough blogging for today, will update it tomorrow or the day after.! For now, enjoy this cute little video (:

Bye and take care!

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