May 19, 2011


BAAM! What's happening guys? You know, i've noticed something weird. About plastic surgery actually. Many people are "kao peh kao bu -ing " about it. Calling them plastic and all. Sheesh. If you ask my opinion about people who go for plastic surgery, i don't really mind actually. It's up to them to make themselves perfect am i right? *Ehem* We're living in the real world hello! Let me ask you people who are AGAINST plastic surgery. By going for a plastic surgery, isn't it the same as making their lives much more better?

"no, it's not about the looks, it's about the heart" COME ON, seriously, do you think that people have that kind of mindset? HAHAHAHA Big joke. :B Look at this...

Hmm.. just imagine this thing just released its first music video. Erm, let's say it's Katy Perry's i kissed a girl. And the music video is all the same but just the face, it's different. Just imagine. Do you think this thing will get fans? NO LOR. Oh, anyway, i wanna apologize to this ugly creature for publishing your ugly face online. My bad.

Anyways, i'm just trying to make you guys who are against plastic surgery see the bigger picture. SNSD for instance, for those dumb ones who dont know, go and youtube it. They're fuckin gorgeous. I dont mind sitting in a room staring at them 12132131273281 hours straight doing nothing. SERIOUSLY. See, it's just nice to see beautiful people. I mean, those who are not good looking like myself, we'll just have to sit back and try to make ourselves look better in someways. "BETTER THAN NOTHING" Yup.

So girls, go ahead and go for plastic surgery. hehe So that we guys will be happy. And guys, you don't have to thank me ;) hahaha

Oh oh oh! Dee Kosh, the guy who made the "ah ah siol" ( TO ALL THE SINGAPOREAN CLUBBERS) video, is going to be at Zirca 30th May, a stand up comedy thing going on. 9pm! Do come down! But let me tell you this, it's not going to be that funny. Trust me. People run out of ideas. I can see from his videos. For instance, ME! i'm running out of idea on what to write also. TADAAAH hahah a good example eh.

Enjoy your weekends and come back in a few days time for more updates! Follow me on twitter too. MY TWITTER! Don't worry. I'm friendleh. You can tell from that spelling. :) i'm OUT!

Check out YAM AH MEE's Signature. SO CUTE hahahaha --->

1 comment:

Teacher Shin said...

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