Sep 2, 2009

WOW! Twitter followers o_o

I'm super amazed, i had 67 followers yesterday around 8pm? yeah, but now, it's 200 !! Believe it or not, i also can't believe it! Well, now it's not 200 exact, 200 and ENCOUNTING! HAHAHAHA If you don't believe me, just follow me on twitter and you can check every single day on how many followers i have each time you look at my twitter.

That's the link ! If you have started believing already, i'll show you HOW i got this followers :)

I just used Tweet Adder! Yes, that's is what the software is called Tweet Adder.

Don't worry, it's damn easy to use, there's even a tutorial on the website itself! :D how cool is that! hahaha you'll be AMAZED on how many people will follow you overnight. Try it !!

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