Jul 23, 2009


I love my new emoticons cause some of them are so cute! Thanks yaww Jinna. Now my chats are going to be more lively!

I love taking quizzes on facebook and sometimes, it'll make me laugh because some of the questions don't make sense hahaha Something like "what will you do if you get caught by a police when you pushed someone who was banged by a car" Then the ridiculous answer would be " change the subject. Eh, you manu fan right? They confirm win tonight! You like who ah?" hahahah sounds -.-'''' In reality, i think they won't fall for it la cause the law would be so strict, i think instead, you will be hanged hahahaha. Okay la guys, i'm off to study for my bio test tomorrow. AND! i sucessfully build my own blogskin ^^ it's plain and very niceeeeeeee! I loike hahaha

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