Mar 18, 2009

EX (s)

Yes, im talking about ex- boyfriends / ex- girlfriends. I realized that people nowdays are getting more and more proud that they have many ex(s). What the hell?? -.-
When people asks them how many ex do they have, they think that the more number of ex(s), the more we will think that they're hot, pretty, etc. LOL. Please, don't... don't think of it that way. Cause we really think that its really uncool. But for those who really have many ex(s), then i don't blame them. lol. Many girls/guys wants you. So what?

Another thing that i want to rant about is............

Huge people. No offence to those who are big sized. Some are complaining that they wanna lose weight. And i wanna ask you.. what are you doing to achieve that thing? Im sure most of them are going to say that they exercise etc etc. The problems are... how long? 2 mins per day eh? 1 day 1 week? Not that im insulting big sized people but you really can slim down if you really put an effort. Some of you will definitely take those slimming pills, etc etc.. BUT IT REALLY DOESN'T MAKE YOU DO ANYTHING! You don't sweat, you don't have to use your energy etc. For example... you want to pass for this test. You take this brain booster and you don't do nothing. Results = FAIL. Yeah, its the same you know. Cause i have friends that are big sized but now, they're like normal sized. He jogged most of the time without fail. That's called EFFORT! Get it?


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