Aug 2, 2008

My schedule for today

Nothing much to post about today. So, i am going to share with you guys what i am going to do Today!

1. Meet my friend and find Shannon a birthday present.
There will be a party at his 3-storey bungalow house and i can't wait! There will be alot of ang mohs, and yeah i'll try to blend in. hahahahaha!

2. Check my bank savings.
I am proud to say the amount in my bank savings is increasing week after week. Today im getting my $25 from PayPerPost. My goal is to save up to $1k+ on my own, without my parent's help. :D

3. Take bus service 168 to tampines and then take i don't know what bus.
Going to take the all time favourite bus again. haha. I will definitely sleep lo!

4. Shannon's birthday party.
Well, its going to be so called a "wild party" afterall, ang moh's party is like..... ..... .... no comments. haha. Lets just say anything can happen. =p Me? I'll behave myself. :)

5. Not going to sleep at shannon's place. Going airport.
No, i am not going overseas or something, i am just going to study with a few friends there. Hmm, we'll go home when the first bus in the morning comes.

So that's about it. I'll behave myself and will definitely enjoy myself at the same time. hahaha.
Will also take pictures!! Long time never camwhore already man!

Got to get going.

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