Jul 9, 2008


Alright,frankly speaking i've earned a total sum of 55 bucks from payperpost. Its okay lah for extra income. There's like the reviews,referrals and lots more. My reviews i earned 40 bucks from it and to my surprise,i earned 15 bucks from referrals. It happened quite fast!

I am seriously happy for comitting myself into this program. ALL HAIL PAYPERPOST. hahah. So for you out there who wants to earn some little extra income, i will make your lives easier (:
I will put the sign up form for you.

See how nice i am~? :D Must thank me or treat me using the money you'll earn hor! haha

(wait for the signup form to load,it may take a while) :)

After signing up for this as a blogger, you are ready to go! There will be a video tutorial also so i dont have to explain all the details to you. HEH. 20 bucks is a confirm to get after you sign up because the opportunities is open to all the bloggers out there ^^ So lets take it that you have that 20 bucks in your hand already (:

Thanks to me and goodbye!

Want to get paid? Click on the review on my post and get paid man!

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