Then went to expo to SHOP! hahaha. The only interesting thing that were the bags and i bought one bag ^^ 50 bucks! adidas bag,its simple and nice (: Then this part,everything went wrong.
We went to smoke shisha and omg, it was utterly terrible! I thought it would be fun but it was CRAP! tasteless and the smoke was like 2 boxes of ciggarettes man! Can die la if everyday you were to smoke that stupid thing! Than met terrance! hahahaha. The lazy police officer from cantoment headquarters. LOL. He asked me about the case and stuffs. Hahaha.
It was like 11.45 i think and we were rushing to board the last bus to woodlands. So we headed down to the nearest bus stop and it was a sigh of relieve when we knew the last 961 bus was at 12.38am. But little that we know it was heading for the wrong direction. We were suppose to board the other side of the bus stop. SHIT! totally screwed up. And the last bus to woodlands was 11.31pm And so we need to take a cab home. BUT we decided to have supper as we were super hungry. Headed down to al-ameen to grab a bite. The total cost was 26 bucks. -_- their fried rice was 5 bucks. Wth right? Then i took a cab home.
Overall spent, err, omg,it was like 80 bucks in one day? hahaha. Never mind.
Anw,photos will be updated on the next post!
I am very sleepy :)
Are you from the Philippines?
Nope,why do you say so? lol
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