May 18, 2011

Swim in peace & Natalie Hiong

The moment i logged in blogger, " FCUK, i wanna change my template!" I would really love to but finding a blog template is the same as finding a girlfriend. It is so freaking difficult to find the right one!

Agree..Agrees and Agreed! i know i know, i talk sense..SOMETIMES. Maybe cause of the shaker fries from Macdonalds i had few hours ago. Anyways, i had my macspicy, actually just the patty, not the
bun. Just had a craving for the patty that's all. I'm weird. YAH.

Anyways, if you read up the papers a few days ago, you'd know that they discovered a body in one of the water tanks in Woodlands. That's my freaking hometown man! Who knows, they have other corpse hidden in a few more water tanks. For those stupid people, well, not stupid, that'd be mean. For those who didnt know what does the water tanks do, its kinda like our water supply for bathing, washing our hands, erm, basically anything that comes out from the pipes and showers. Imagine a dead body hidden in my water tanks. GOSH. That'd be a nightmare cause i'll be showering corpse liquid! FUCK!

But what may come, let it come. I'm sure there's only one dead body in those water tanks. :o hopefully. S.I.P whoever died in there. (SWIM IN PEACE)

Anyways, back to the local updates! Natalie Hiong, a banker..well, she was a banker and she gave up her career to pursue her dreams to become a song writer, a singer. Well, i'd do the same thing..only if i CAN sing. Working in a bank may sound "NICE" but the fact is, it's not. You'll be stuck at work with all the money in the world that you CANNOT have. That sucks right? No offence to bankers out there but by being a Singer, well, fame, money, and most importantly she's enjoying what she does. Well, good luck to you! :)

You can listen to her songs and like her fan page at : Natalie's Fan Page

p/s: Oh and she's kinda hot too. hehe

That's all for now. I'll be updating back my blog and just maybe i'll do some changes to this blog soon.

follow me on twitter : My twitter page
i'm out!

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